The Bechdel Test
The Bechdel test, or Bechdel-Wallace test, aims to show the over-representation of male protagonists or the under-representation of female characters in a work of fiction. If the work meets the […]
EWA – European Women’s Audiovisual
The European Women’s Audiovisual network supports women working in the film industry through networking opportunities, career programmes (mentoring, residencies, workshops) and a blog. To go further
COLLECTIF 50/50 – Inclusion in the Cinema and Audiovisual Industry
This study analyses diversity in film and audiovisual media around the world. A few key figures To go further
EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL OBSERVATORY – Female Directors in European Cinema
This report aims at helping to measure the gender divide existing among film directors in Europe. The first section provides a general overview of the gender of directors of European […]
UCLA – Hollywood Diversity Report, Part 1: Film
The now biannual Hollywood Diversity Report series has transferred to the Institute for Research on Labour and Employment at UCLA. The reports primarily examine the relationship between racial, ethnic, and […]
UN WOMEN – Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot
The Gender Snapshot 2022 presents the latest data on gender equality as it relates to achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and highlights the long road ahead to achieving […]
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM – Global Gender Gap Report
This report analyses gender inequalities around the world and the changing status of women in several areas of social and economic life. A few key figures To go further
FUTERRA – Stories to save the world, Imagining New Climate Narratives
Released in 2023, “Stories to save the world” is a toolkit created by Futerra, explaining how to create climate stories that break the mould and define the paths for a […]
NATURE – Using Data Science to Understand the Film Industry’s Gender Gap
This study analyses data from the online movie database IMDb with a dataset of movie dialogue subtitles to create the largest available corpus of movie social networks (15,540 networks) to […]
ImpACT – Marché du film
ImpACT is an extension of the Festival de Cannes’ and Marché du Film’s investment in corporate social responsibility that will dictate how the market and companies operate today and tomorrow. […]
EWA – Network Study on Gender Inequality in the Film Industry
This report, published in 2016 and conducted between 2006 and 2013, brings together comparative research from seven European countries (Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) to […]
LAB FEMMES DE CINEMA, OEA, EFAD – The place of women directors in Europe
The seventh update of this report is produced by the Lab Femmes de Cinéma, in partnership with the European Audiovisual Observatory and the European Film Agency Directors Association. This analysis […]
Collectif 50/50
The Collectif 50/50 brings together more than 1,500 professionals from the French film and audiovisual industry to engage in a reflection and a fight for equality, parity and diversity in […]
The Peirce Test
Peirce’s test focuses on the depth of female characters, the criteria being the following: there must be a female character (protagonist or antagonist) with her own story, who has dimension […]