WRI – World Resources Institute
World Resources Institute is a global research organisation that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions and civil society groups to develop practical solutions that improve people’s lives and allow nature […]
UCLA – Hollywood Diversity Report, Part 2: Television
The now biannual Hollywood Diversity Report series has transferred to the Institute for Research on Labour and Employment at UCLA. The reports primarily examine the relationship between racial, ethnic, and […]
LAB FEMMES DE CINEMA, OEA, EFAD – The place of women directors in Europe
The seventh update of this report is produced by the Lab Femmes de Cinéma, in partnership with the European Audiovisual Observatory and the European Film Agency Directors Association. This analysis […]
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations is an international organisation founded in 1945 and today has 193 Member States. The mission and work of the United Nations is based on the notions of […]
GLAAD – Studio Responsibility Index
GLAAD launched its first Studio Responsibility Index (SRI) in 2013 after seeing the progress driven by their studies and work to hold the TV industry accountable for lesbian, gay, bisexual, […]
USC ANNENBERG and PARAMOUNT – Content for Change
As part of Content for Change, Paramount expanded its partnership with the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative to analyse 62 series across key demographics – like race and ethnicity, gender, LGBTQ+ identification, […]
The Good Goods – How do series influence our consumption?
This 2022 article looks at how series and movies influence viewer consumption. A few key figures To go further
Harris Interactive
Harris Interactive is a market research and opinion polling company. The company carries out both quantitative and qualitative research using different methodologies. To go further
Sparknews promotes new narratives with and for compagnies, the media stakeholders and the cultural industry. Neither a consulting firm, nor a positive press agency, nor a media dedicated to sustainable […]
FUTERRA – Stories to save the world, Imagining New Climate Narratives
Released in 2023, “Stories to save the world” is a toolkit created by Futerra, explaining how to create climate stories that break the mould and define the paths for a […]
UCLA – Analysing On-Screen Sustainable Behaviour and Message Placements
This UCLA study addresses the frequency and relevancy of sustainable behaviours on screen, particularly in American television shows, by addressing the following research questions: 1) What sustainable and unsustainable behaviours […]